El Paso by Faith

Yesterday I bid my sad farewell to my friends and colleagues at First Baptist Church Canyon. Over the past nearly nine years we have had an amazing journey of faith. The love between pastor and people ran very deep which made yesterday all the more difficult.

When I returned home drained and fatigued from the emotion of it all. My mind raced and my spirit trembled at the magnitude of what I was facing. In a matter of days I would serve a new people in a forward Kingdom assignment. Some may wondered why would I risk the security and safety of my calling to Canyon to take on the assignment of serving the LORD alongside the people of First Baptist El Paso?

The answer is quite simple–I believe I am “called” to go. This call from on high is my inspiration and my reason. It is my hope and my promise. It will give me courage when I am afraid. It will give me vision when I feel lost or wandering in the storm. It will encourage me when the signs around discourage my heart and passion. It will remind me that I am never alone in the adventure. The call is a relationship with the one who calls. It is His voice that beckons me to come. My answer must always be “yes” to His invitation.

Yesterday morning from Romania my father by blood emailed me these words of encouragement from Oswald Chambers. These words were life to me.

Jesus Christ demands of the man who trusts Him the same reckless sporting spirit that the natural man exhibits. If a man is going to do anything worth while, there are times when he has to risk everything on his leap, and in the spiritual domain Jesus Christ demands that you risk everything you hold by common sense and leap into what He says, and immediately you do, you find that what He says fits on as solidly as common sense. At the bar of common sense Jesus Christ’s statements may seem mad; but bring them to the bar of faith, and you begin to find with awestruck spirit that they are the words of God. Trust entirely in God, and when He brings you to the venture, see that you take it. We act like pagans in a crisis, only one out of a crowd is daring enough to bank his faith in the character of God.

In the Kingdom there is no vocabulary or grammatical construction for “yes…but.” Either Jesus is LORD or all or not lord at all.

Some may feel I have lost my way, but if so, God be praise because I choose to live a life without regrets after the voice that beckons “Come follow me.”


Filed under El Paso Journal

10 responses to “El Paso by Faith

  1. The words were Chambers’ but they could have been written by your “father in blood”. His example of commitment to calling should be an inspiration to you. Bless you in your new work.

  2. Ed Jackson

    It has been my privilege to serve with you this year as Texas Baptists seek to bring HOPE to those without our Lord. I know you would not be going without the Lord’s leading. You could not stay in Canyon with His call to El Paso. My prayers continue to be with you.
    Ed Jackson

  3. Bonnie Eaton

    With tears in my eyes, I trying to write this in a way I hope you understand. NO! I know you have not lost your way-I know you are just finding the true purpose God has been molding you for here with us at FBC El Paso. After you first preached to us, remember how I told you, “I really needed to hear your testimony regarding how God led you to come to El Paso.?” It sounds almost identical to my testimony. I NEVER dreamed I would be back in El Paso for I tried to run from here several years ago when I was not living in God’s will, although a Christian. The running carried me into more trecherous waters as I almost lost my life and all material goods. Praise God for His matchless Grace for picking me up, holding me close to Him, and giving me a peace, joy, understanding and love abounding so great that all I could do was completely “sell out” to Jesus. He reminded me that “Bonnie, you gave your life for full-time Christian service many years ago-now what are you going to do about it?” Yes I had served Him many years through the calling He had given me as a Registered Nurse, but I knew He now wanted more and He would not allow me to be “comfortable” where I was living at the time, although I lived close to one of my daughters and family at that time. I called upon prayer warriors as I stayed in prayer continuosly also for almost a year. Then God answered suddenly one morning, even waking me up to let me know the good news of what and where He wanted me to go. I never knew I would be so exhilerated and praising God that it was El Paso. (I never dreamed He would bring me back here (El Paso is a good city to live in, it was just me.) I didn’t care where it was, as long as God told me through the Holy Spirit! And YES, one MUST go when the Spirit tells you without any uncertainty, not only that, He even filled me with joy and power that I never new was possible, (especially at my age). Doors were opened in miraculous ways to get here. Then when I arrived, sooo many satanic attacks coming from all directions. So my dear new pastor and family, please come quickly, but come wearing the armor of God for the enemy knows what great things can be done through the power of Christ. Praise His Holy Name!!
    We as a church need to realize how crucial it is to be in continuous prayer for you all and I believe most do-but all who are called by Your Name, Jesus, need to be in prayer for you, our leaders, and one another, as He said, without ceasing. We are so excited you all are coming and can’t wait to see you again.

  4. Larry Floyd


    Thanks for answering the call. FBC needs you and you need them to fulfill your call. I believe God will use you in a might way. It is very good news to have a man chasing the Almighty going to serve west Texas. We wish you the best pastorate ever! Having grown up in El Paso, I can tell you that you are in for a real treat. Tough ministry? Yes. But worth ever ounce of fight that you have. Blessings to you and your family and we look forward to hearing about your work there.

  5. Have you invested in Rosetta Stone yet???

    Godspeed, friend.

    • Bonnie

      I was told about a year ago that Rosetta Stone is available “free” for missionaries, even MSC’s. I hope also true for pastors. However, the Missions Director at the church where I was attending in Rock Hill,SC while there was not sure where he had found the information.? Worth looking into.
      It is important for all of us to learn Spanish, especially here in El Paso and Rio Grande Valley due to the large influx of hispanics, not only here but throughout Texas and the U.S. I agree English is our native language and everyone should speak it, however, realistically, many cannot speak English and many do not care to learn. Having classes at our churches for both English (ESL) and for Spanish is important. Of course another tool to be used for the kingdom of God.
      God Bless,

  6. David,

    What great news to hear you are going to El Paso! No doubt in my mind God will use you and your family as well as strengthen you for the task. Eugene Peterson states, “Faith in Christ is an act of abandoning the shores of self, where we think we know where we stand and where if we just try hard enough we can be in control……then plunge into His grace”. His grace will be sufficient.
    bruce mcgowan

  7. carey flores

    welcome 2 fbc el paso- i look 4ward 2 this sun!!

  8. Travis

    Pastor David,
    You are constantly in our prayers. I heard a story once about a preacher (Manly Beasley) who had some laymen to whom he would go over to their house with a gallon of water and say “lets go pray” the men would go with their pastor and pray sometimes all night long. I hope we can be that for you, when you call for prayer we will be there. God Bless! -Travis

  9. EdO

    David, I’ve already shared this with you but I want to tell you again (since you’re getting old and may have forgotten. :-D)

    You aren’t much older than I but I consider you a spiritual father. You know the ‘big ugly’ in me and you’ve shown nothing but love, compassion, grace and mercy. You are ‘God with skin’ and Canyon, Texas is less because you are no longer here.

    I know I echo the sentiment of many brothersoldiermen when I say, I love you dearly and deeply. Thank you for being a willing vessel and allowing God to work through you to lead this ‘mighty warrior’ out of his proverbial wheat-threshing well. (or, more aptly put, his slimy pit.)

    If God wills, I hope to serve with you down south in some capacity someday.

    With deep and unending gratitude,

    Your, “trophy of God’s grace”


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