Call to El Paso

The Baptist grapevine is humming with rumors that I am moving to El Paso to be the new pastor of the First Baptist Church. Let me put these rumors to rest–IT IS ABSOLUTELY TRUTH!

This past Sunday (May 16th) I was called by the people of FBC El Paso to serve the LORD together with them. As you might imagine this decision came after much prayer and soul-searching on my part, and on the part of my family. Our call to El Paso was confirmed in my spirit early on Tuesday morning April 6th just days before our first visit to the city. During my quiet time, I read these words of Moses to Joshua:

“Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the LORD swore to their forefathers to give them, and you must divide it among them as their inheritance. 8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”Deut 31:7-8 (NIV)

As I read these words God burned them on my heart. It was then and there I knew without doubt the Lord Jesus had called us to “be strong and courageous” by following Him into the future. As I reflected on Joshua’s calling to go, it struck me as odd that the LORD never used the word “lead” when He spoke of his assignment. Rather Moses said, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you.” The heart of leadership is really about following. Following the LORD wherever He leads.

Today I am walking through the days of sorrow. I am saying goodbye to friends and fellow laborers who served with me so faithful in Canyon. Canyon has become home to me and my children. I will leave here richer for having served among these great people of the Panhandle.

I covet your prayers as Robyn, Madison, and myself plant our lives in El Paso. We believe without doubt God wants to do something very special in the “Borderplex” as one of the members taught me to say. It’s our prayer that the news out of El Paso/Juarez in the coming days will bring glory and honor to God!


Filed under BGCT Presidential Journal

8 responses to “Call to El Paso

  1. Bruce McGowan

    Really glad you will serve at FBC El Paso! Sad for the folks in Canyon. Thank you for being faithful throughout the years! blessings to you and your family in these days of change.
    bruce mcgowan
    Col. 1:28,29

  2. David, I have had good friends who pastored at the El Paso church, and now I will have another. May the Lord bless you and give you a happy transition.

  3. This is great news for FBC El Paso and sad news for FBC Canyon. Of course, we know God has some new blessing in store for the folks in Canyon, as well. My family and I will be praying as you and yours make the move.

  4. Jason

    David, I am appreciative of you following the Lord. May God’s rich blessings be upon you as you make this move to a new location and may His presence overwhelm you and your family.

  5. Jerry Howe

    I am excited about God’s Call to El Paso. I am acquainted with the city through the wonderful people of El Sembrador Baptist Church. They are doing a wonderful work for Jesus there. You have done super at FBC Canyon…they will miss you, but the people of FBC El Paso are getting one of God’s choicest pastors.

  6. Kyle Streun


    Our friend Bill Wright would be thrilled that you are headed to El Paso. First El Paso has a rich heritage of great pastors. Dick Maples, Levi Price and now David Lowrie.

  7. Lee

    FBC El Paso is getting a great pastor. And what an absolutely key city for ministry, especially for Baptists.

    It’s always amazing to me how far it is across Texas. El Paso is just four hours from Cochise County, Arizona, where I grew up, and it’s closer to Los Angeles than it is to Orange. It’s a very unique place, and it is home to the best German restaurant in Texas, believe it or not.

    God’s blessings to you and to the church.

  8. Dr. Lowrie,
    While I do not know you well, I must say our brief conversations on the phone have been a gift. For this young pastor, you have been a pillar of good leadership, and I m thankful for the gift of your service in El Paso. I grew up there. My wife went to high school there. I was married in Ford Chapel and mentored by Levi Price. I was thrilled to see you taking the mantle of leadership in pastoring the people in that area. While I must confess that in the corridor of the Rio Grande the start is the Valley (!), I playfully state that as a Valley pastor, it is an honor to “bookend” ministry with you. Welcome, and know we are in your corner!

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